case study

Case Study | Insurance

A Insurance uses InnovixHR

A Insurance is a newly established insurance company, offering a fresh perspective on the industry. A Insurance provides personalized insurance service and tailored solutions to meet unique needs. Being a tech savvy company, A Insurance always finds ways in using the latest technology and innovations in their daily operation.

The Challenges:

A Insurance wants to  control the cost of having to  use numerous finger print devices for their various branches all over the country.  And collecting attendance data for remote employees  is also a major challenge for them. As a corporate business, HR management has  to find the best solution to control many staff at different locations.

The Solutions:

InnovixHR team gave consultation based on the client’s challenges for the whole organization. By providing Cloud Based  HR solutions with payroll, leave, overtime and employee attendance features that can be accessed easily with a Mobile Phone, the cost of finger print devices are essentially eliminated and the employees data can be collected easily without a hassle. Moreover, A Insurance HR management  is able to improved their HR procedure by using recruitment, training and performance management systems of InnovixHR.

Testimonial from A Insurance HR Team:

InnovixHR feels privileged to be able to provide our services to A Insurance, a valuable corporate business improving lifestyles of people and reducing financial & health risks in Myanmar. We are glad to learn about their feedback for our services in their digital transformation process of the HR Department.

“InnovixHR can provide the right solutions to solve our daily operation challenges and saves time for us. Our management team especially benefits from InnovixHR by being able to see accurate reports on time. We find that InnovixHR also increases employee satisfaction as they can easily view their data such as leave balance, reporting hierarchy and payslip via InnovixHR Mobile App. We are satisfied with the system and recommended InnovixHR to our business partners as well.”

Ma Khin Hnin Ze
HR Manager
A Insurance Co., Ltd

" “InnovixHR feels privileged to be able to provide our services to A Insurance, a valuable corporate business improving the lifestyle of people and reducing financial & health risks in Myanmar.” "